Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Life is good

The weekend here was so beautiful. On Saturday I went for a hike to see some petroglyphs I'd seen before and discovered new ones. On Sunday I re-hiked the Red Basin trail, the trail for which I'd been the geriatric tester. I got lots and lots of photos from both which I'll inflict on you soon - 280 taken on Sunday alone, whittled down to a mere 80 as of yesterday.

Last night, my beloved HH and I had some friends over for dinner and the evening flew by. Great friends, good food, a little wine, and an Indian Country map annotated for fun things to see when we head to the Grand Canyon in June (!!!) made a delightful evening. I say all this because I was amazed to realize late last night that today is the one-year anniversary of my divorce becoming final, and my reaction was.... nothing. I'd had an idea that it would be anticlimactic, that the traumatic anniversary was of the day I left my house, but even that day glowed with unexpected insight and awareness. And today? I hadn't dreaded today's arrival or even thought about it more than in passing.

I love my life. I have good friends I would never have known, I've seen places and done things and grown immeasurably, and none of it would have happened if I'd never left my house. I'm leaving the bitterness and anger behind, little by little, and am continually grateful for what I have. Life is so, so good.

Thought of the day:

There is no scatheless rapture. - Charles Frazier, Thirteen Moons