Sunday, July 21, 2013


I admit defeat. I have suffered, suffered I tell you, with little to no Internet since the end of April, trying to outlast Sprint, and I've given up. Yesterday I transferred my number to Verizon.

The basic reason I wanted to stay with Sprint was their unlimited data plan. I'm capable of using a lot of data. When I first got a smart phone I thought it would be fun to be able to look up prices online when antiquing or check prices of children's books at a sale or used book store. A mere convenience. It didn't take a month before Sprint was losing money on me. I love my Internets.

First I had to call Sprint to get my account number and they would not tell me. Honest to pete, they kept asking me if I knew they were the only carrier to offer unlimited data (uh, yeah...) and then warned I'd have a cancellation fee, and on and on. When I said with tight jaws like that, they got huffy and that's when I hung up.

The nice young guy at Verizon who looked like he was 14, really, but was actually 21, called the same number I called for Sprint and went through the same pick-a-number list of choices. When he talked to a human all he said was, "This is Nick from Verizon. I have a customer who needs her account number so she can transfer service to us, but you all are giving her a hard time," and they gave it to him. He could have been the Boston Strangler and they just passed over my info like it was yesterday's newspaper.

Today I have a shiny new carrier and a shiny new phone, and under ideal circumstances I would have 4G/LTE, but living where I am, the best I can get is 3G. And that's only when it feels like showing up. Already it's like deja vu to the dial-up era, but it's still better than the nothing I got from Sprint. I started with the 2 gigabyte plan and considering the amount of time I've been online today, for example since waking up, I think I might need to up the bytes.

It's not been all wasted time. While I've been waiting and waiting - and waiting - for pages to load, I've had plenty of time to watch this storm gathering in the north:

Note the white van to put the size of the cloud in perspective.

Thought of the day:

The Internet is a great way to get on the net. (Bob Dole)